Hi, my name is

Kaushal Meena

I build applications for mobile and web

I am experienced Front-end developer with a passion for crafting high-quality, performant applications

About Me

Hi there! I'm Kaushal Meena, a highly skilled React, React Native, and Next.js developer with over 4 years of experience in the field. I am passionate about creating high-quality, scalable, and performant applications that meet the needs of clients and users alike.

Throughout my career, I have worked on a variety of projects, ranging from simple web applications to complex mobile apps. I thrive in collaborative environments and enjoy working closely with teams to bring ideas to life. I am always seeking to expand my knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

Technical Skills:

React.js React Native Angular Next.js Redux MUI MUI Blueprint styled-components Javascript Typescript Tailwind CSS CSS HTML Electron Express GraphQL Node.js Flask Python

Where I've Worked

Senior SDE @ Airstack
August 2023 - Present
  • Spearheaded the development of key features to highlight Airstack's robust commercial API capabilities, including Social Followers/Followings, Snapshots, Base Blockchain, and Spam Filter functionalities
  • Worked on Advanced Search, empowering users to search/filter tokens based on token type and blockchain, improving MAU by 8%
Skills: React.js Next.js Tailwind CSS Typescript
Software Development Engineer @ ShareChat
March 2022 - August 2023
  • Developed inter-language MegaContest with configurable themes, resulting in a 3% increase in monthly GMV
  • Built SlotMachine which had complex animations, delivering 0.6 Cr monthly GMV and 2100 DAU
  • Improved Jest unit test coverage from 20% to 40% and reduced linting errors by 60%
  • Collaborated with designers, project managers, and other engineers and completed over 6+ UI Configurable features in ReactNative, for ShareChat app serving 400+ million MAU
Skills: React.js React Native Next.js Redux Tailwind CSS Typescript
Software Engineer @ OLX People (acquired by BetterPlace)
June 2019 - March 2022
  • Created highly reusable and maintainable UI component library styled42 in the hybrid codebase in Next.js and ReactNative
  • Maintained on-page Lighthouse SEO score of the candidate-facing website at >90
  • Reduced the number of bugs/errors reported on Track.js for codebase by 60%
  • Contributed to an increase in conversions by 5% by integrating Truecaller SDK into the login flow, improving user experience and streamlining the authentication process
Skills: React.js React Native Next.js GraphQL Javascript

Some Things I've Built


A web app that lets you have all common JSON, CSV, YAML, XML, Text and other tools and converters at one place.

Next.js Blueprint.js styled-components Typescript

A desktop app that automates web scraper with easy to use script actions.

React Redux Electron MUI Puppeteer Typescript

A web app that facilitates realtime sharing of code editor using socket.io library.

Express Socket.io Bootstrap Nunjucks Node.js

A web app that hides secrets in plain sight securely in images with the help of AES encryption and LSB steganography technique.

Angular Typescript Sass

Get In Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

Contact Me